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While all efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings are accurate, up to date and complete for products on the Bio Living website, suppliers may change formulations on short notice. Please check ingredient listings on the actual product before use. Packaging design may vary subject to stock availability.

What does gluten-free mean?

For people with celiac disease, they must follow a gluten-free diet, as gluten (seed storage protein) triggers an immune
response that damages the lining of the small intestine. Going gluten-free means to avoid wheat, grains, barley and oats and
choosing substitutes that provide the same nutrients. At Bio Living, we take every precaution to prevent cross contamination,
so you can be confident that our gluten free products are compliant with Australian labelling laws.


How do I know if a product is gluten-free?

A product that is gluten-free will be declared on the products label. The packaging will also be compliant with the Australia
Food Standards Code. Before purchasing a product, check the label if you’re unsure about whether a product is gluten-free.


What foods typically contain gluten?

There are a number of foods that contain gluten, such as wheat, confectionery, cookies and crackers, semolina, spelt, farro, rye,
barley, malt and Brewer’s Yeast. These foods must be avoided for those following a gluten free diet.